
— Lee San


Business to Consumer


Digital Strategy, UX/UI, Website Design, Reuben CMS


- Background

Bespoke e-commerce website design for marine sanitation distributor.

LeeSan reap the benefits of evolving online platform that boasts lifetime value.

LeeSan is a Midlands-based company with over 25 years’ experience in the sanitation business, both in the leisure marine market and in sewage pumping installations for commercial, domestic and industrial equipment.


- The Challenge

They initially approached us several years ago to modernise their brand and create a website and e-commerce platform that mirrored their status as innovators in their field. That initial collaboration with Jazzbones and our CMS partners Reuben attracted thousands of new customers, but as a forward-thinking company, LeeSan are aware that to stand still is to go backwards. These guys know that keeping their brand fresh is pivotal to success, hence their latest brief to update the website.

- The Strategy

Another highly successful collaboration. LeeSan already had a cohesive online strategy and e-commerce solution. A comprehensive Content Management System gives them full control of their website’s contents, backed up with Google Analytics and a sophisticated CRM package.

Jazzbones Creative Swindon Old Town Branding Website development and design -
Jazzbones Creative Swindon Old Town Branding Website development and design -
Jazzbones Creative Swindon Old Town Branding Website development and design - Lee San mobile and desktop website design and development 3

- The Result

After the initial investment in those foundations, they can grow and reap huge benefits from ongoing updates for a modest investment. The priority this time was to update the website to coincide with changes in their product offer, recently separated into three distinct areas: Marine (yachts, narrowboats), Leisure (recreational vehicles), and Welfare (mobile toilets for industry/events). Bold and chunky fonts are colour-coded to reflect LeeSan’s new logo with its ingenious industrial feel thanks to shaping that evokes curved pipes.

We have also provided their in-house designers with templates they can role out as and when necessary. Excuse the pun, but thanks to Jazzbones, LeeSan are forecasting significant new business in the pipeline.

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