Terms and Conditions for the Free Website Makeover Offer from Jazzbones Creative Ltd.

1. Overview

The Free Website Makeover Offer provided by Jazzbones Creative is designed to help UK-based charities enhance their digital presence. The offer includes digital consultancy, strategy development, and website design services valued up to £10,000. This offer is subject to the following terms and conditions.

2. Scope of the Offer

A. Digital Consultancy

  • Jazzbones Creative will provide a one-time digital consultancy session to help build a digital roadmap for your charity. This session is included as part of the free makeover offer and will set the foundation for the subsequent digital strategy and creative framework.

B. Digital Strategy

  • Following the consultancy session, Jazzbones will develop a digital strategy tailored to your charity’s current position and future goals. This strategy will provide guidance on short-term and long-term objectives, focusing on enhancing your online presence and effectiveness.

C. Website Design

  • Jazzbones will design a new website using the Figma design tool, covering key aspects such as:
    • Home Page / Landing Page
    • Key user journey pages, including fundraising pages, events pages, and forms with clear calls to action
  • The design work provided will be valued up to £10,000 inclusive of the Consultancy and Strategy phases.
  • Any design work beyond the specified value or time frame will require additional costs and a separate agreement.

3. Additional Costs Not Covered by the Offer

  • While the makeover covers a significant portion of the website development process, there are additional costs and services that fall outside the scope of this free offer:

A. Website Hosting

  • Hosting services are not included and will start from £350 per annum*, subject to the website’s size and scope.

B. Website Support

  • Jazzbones recommends a support contract to maintain and update your website. This is priced at £85 per month for a minimum of one hour per month, ideally paid a year in advance.**We also accept payment via monthly direct debit via our online system. These payments are setup for the 1st of each month in advance of the hosting and support period. If for any reason the payments are stopped the services provided by Jazzbones will be terminated.

C. Coding and Technical Implementation

  • The back-end coding and technical implementation required to bring the design to life will be scoped and quoted separately based on the discovery, strategy, and design phases.

D. Additional Services

  • Photography, illustrations, and other external services are not included in the offer.
  • Any branding or design work outside of the website’s remit will require separate agreements.
  • SEO and digital marketing (organic or paid) are not covered under this offer and will be quoted separately if required.

4. Limitations of Liability

  • Jazzbones Creative will provide expert services as part of the makeover; however, we are not responsible for the overall success of the website post-launch. Numerous factors influence a website’s success, including ongoing marketing, regular updates, and user engagement.

5. Ongoing Marketing and Promotion

  • While the website makeover will provide a solid foundation, ongoing marketing and promotional activities are essential to the website’s continued success. These activities are not included in the free offer but can be discussed as part of a broader marketing strategy.

6. Propel Branding and Marketing Service

  • Jazzbones offers a ‘Propel’ service, a prepaid branding and marketing package designed to support your charity’s ongoing marketing needs. We recommend a minimum 12-month commitment to ensure your website and brand have the best possible start. This service is separate from the free website makeover offer and will be quoted and contracted independently.

7. Acceptance of Terms

  • By accepting the Free Website Makeover Offer, the charity acknowledges and agrees to these terms and conditions. Any additional services required beyond the scope of this offer will be subject to separate quotes and agreements.

8. Contact Information

  • For more information about this offer, or to discuss additional services, please contact Nathan Sandhu, Founder and Creative Director, Jazzbones Creative directly 07717 332182 or nathan@jazzbones.co.uk. We look forward to helping your charity create a powerful and effective online presence.