How Tropicana’s New Identity by Sunhouse Squeezes Freshness into the Familiar.

Lessons for Brands: Evolve While Honoring Your Roots

In the dynamic world of branding, staying fresh is a constant challenge, especially for a beloved icon like Tropicana. The fruit juice giant recently underwent a vibrant transformation, courtesy of design studio Sunhouse. With an aim to reignite consumer love for the brand, the new identity celebrates the natural richness of Tropicana’s core product—its orange juice—while refreshing the brand’s visual appeal for the modern marketplace.

A Zest for Bold Change

Tropicana’s new branding draws on the most powerful association consumers have with the product: the orange itself. The redesign shifts focus back to the fruit, with bold, juicy hues that pop off the packaging, invoking a sense of vibrant natural energy. By amplifying the iconic image of the orange, Sunhouse has successfully turned Tropicana into a striking symbol of health, vitality, and refreshment.

In their pursuit of modernity, Sunhouse emphasized simplicity. The reimagined Tropicana identity embraces a minimalist design, favoring crisp visuals over cluttered elements. The fresh look features a leaner logo that feels both familiar and contemporary. With cleaner lines and balanced typography, it reflects a nod to Tropicana’s heritage while confidently stepping forward into the future.

Sustainability at the Forefront

In line with global trends, Tropicana’s refreshed identity is also a testament to the brand’s commitment to sustainability. The revamped packaging uses more eco-conscious materials, reinforcing the importance of protecting the planet—something that resonates with modern consumers who are increasingly choosing brands that align with their environmental values.

Design that Speaks to Emotion

Beyond aesthetics, Tropicana’s new identity is designed to forge deeper emotional connections with consumers. Sunhouse’s approach was rooted in a desire to create a sensory experience with every purchase—one that taps into nostalgia while simultaneously sparking a sense of newness and excitement. The result is packaging that exudes warmth, joy, and a sense of indulgence, qualities that Tropicana has long stood for.

Lessons for Brands: Evolve While Honoring Your Roots

Tropicana’s brand evolution serves as a valuable case study for other companies looking to stay relevant in fast-changing markets. The key takeaway? Embrace change without losing sight of what made your brand beloved in the first place. Tropicana and Sunhouse have masterfully honored the brand’s rich heritage while reimagining its identity for a new generation of consumers. The success of this redesign lies in its balance—preserving the essence of the orange while giving it a bold, fresh twist.

Inspiration for the Future

For brands seeking inspiration, Tropicana’s redesign offers a clear message: never stop innovating. The world of branding is constantly shifting, and the most successful brands are those that are unafraid to evolve. Whether you’re a global icon or an emerging player, the path to staying relevant is paved with creativity, bold decisions, and a willingness to embrace the unexpected.

As Tropicana shows, a fresh perspective can be just the squeeze you need to invigorate your brand and connect with the hearts—and tastes—of consumers everywhere.