Jazzbones are experts in care sector branding and design.

We have created websites, advertising, catalogues, videos, signage and much more for the sector.

One of Jazzbones most enduring and fruitful relationships is with family-owned care provider, Coate Water Care.

When we started working on branding for Coate Water Care nine years ago the company had four residential care homes; now they have nine and are looking to expand even further. We like to think our strategic branding and design has made a significant contribution to that growth.

From the initial branding and marketing strategy, through SEO-friendly website design, key word-oriented website content, digital marketing, care home videos, brochures, signage and even uniforms, we have offered constant support to Coate Water Care.

Jamie Smith, Projects & Development Director at Coate Water Care, says: “Having worked with Nathan and the team at Jazzbones over many years we know that they can pick up and run with day-to-day briefs with admirable flexibility. But their deep understanding of our brand means they can also deliver when it comes to strategic shifts. Jazzbones work in much the same way as an in-house branding and design team would.”

Another wholesale branding makeover by Jazzbones was for Direct Healthcare Solutions (DHS), a company that provides a range of quality care products including moving and handling equipment and bathing and hygiene products.

After a deep dive brand consultation process to get a clear picture of DHS’ personality and USPs, the first part of our brief was to come up with a new name. The winner was eCura, an innovative eco-inflected name that contrasts with the more traditional descriptive names of other companies in the health sector.

In terms of visual identity, we provided eCura with a contemporary new look that was a total break from the past. A new logo was made up of a vibrant eCura wordmark inside a ‘flower’ symbol. In its simplicity, natural feel and immediacy, it is designed to work perfectly in any setting, from traditional print to social media.

To help eCura implement their new brand, we supplied them with an exhaustive Brand Guidelines book, covering everything from use of the new logo to typography, colour, tone of voice and image treatment.

And as soon as the new branding was approved, we began to generate brand assets like business cards, compliments slips, email signatures, social media visuals, product brochures and vehicle wrapping.

James Puttick, Managing Director of eCura says: “We were impressed by Jazzbones’ knowledge and ability to really listen during the tender process, and then the new brand identity surpassed our expectations. Our new name and new look will be a major asset moving forward, and the fact that Nathan and his team are such a nice bunch to deal with is a bonus.”

If you would like to know more about how we can support your care company or to have a FREE brand review, then call our friendly team on 07717332182 or email nathan@jazzbones.co.uk