Naming, branding and logo for historical aviation charity.

Jazzbones have heaps pf experience of working with charities.

Cross & Cockade International (CCI) is the First World War Aviation Historical Society. It is a registered charity and has over 1,000 members in 25+ countries all over the world. All trustees, officers of the society and contributors to its quarterly journal give their services voluntarily.

The charity is run by World War I aviation enthusiasts, many with experience in the aviation sector, but until now its approach to branding and marketing has been essentially DIY.

With a loyal but ageing membership base and competition from other organizations it had become apparent that CCI needed to update their branding and comms to attract a younger audience to continue thriving. Hence, they turned to Jazzbones for a professional consultation, starting with the naming.

As a name, Cross & Cockade didn’t convey who they are or what they do. After a lively consultancy process involving CCI stakeholders and our partners at Ink Copywriters, we produced a series of naming options and after much debate the favoured one is The Great War Aviation Society. It does what it says on the tin!

Next stop was the logo and after a series of meetings, initial ideas and refinement, we produced a streamlined version of the old logo featuring the German cross and the British cockade. When it comes to effective rebranding it’s not always necessary to throw out the baby with the bath water!

The new logo works well across all types of collateral, from The Great War Aviation Society’s quarterly journal through social media and marketing. The new logo was presented successfully at the charity’s AGM at the end of April.

It’s been an interesting journey so far and a pleasure to work with clients whose stakeholders are so invested in their charity and what it stands for. We’ve helped The Great War Aviation Society address some fundamental questions about their communications and there are some exciting projects around the corner. Watch this space!