Kate Joseph Illuminate Mortgages gets new brand identity.

Illuminate Mortgages can now move forward with the confidence that professional branding breeds.


A thriving mortgage broker under her own name and as part of the Just Mortgage network, Swindon-based Kate Joseph approached Jazzbones with the kind of request that is music to our ears … I want to take my business to the next level; brand me! Name, logo, brand identity, the whole shebang.

After working on a number of naming options and developing a number of creative routes for the client’s consideration, the Illuminate script felt most appropriate and adds a personal signature which can work across multiple channels and importantly as an ident for social media, a channel that works really well for Kate.

The use of the gold gives a premium feel to the Illuminate Mortgages branding whilst also being modern and ‘trendy’ and can be applied across the brand including offices, signage and merchandise.

“We love working with owner-managed businesses and SMEs helping them to realise their vision for their business and brand identity,” says Nathan Sandhu, Creative Director, Jazzbones.

“It gives us immense satisfaction when we have happy clients and we receive amazing feedback on how the branding has transformed their business and given them the advantage over their competitors.”

Kate Joseph, Director, Illuminate Mortgages, says, “Thank you so much for your help with this project and please pass my thanks on to your team. I know there has been a bit of back and forth but I’m really pleased with the final result. I’m in the middle of decorating my office in the brand colours and it’s looking really cool so it feels like it’s coming together now.”

Jazzbones’ track record includes work for big companies that are household names, but one of our specialities is branding and rebranding for SMEs and start-ups.

Many small businesses make the mistake of overlooking branding because they think of themselves as a business and not a brand.

Brands, they think, are the big fish in the pond with huge budgets and national recognition. Resigned to their supposed small fish status, small businesses often do little more than come up with a fun logo and some flashy business cards.

But branding is important for businesses of all sizes because it creates trust, improves recognition, supports marketing efforts, motivates employees and ultimately, generates new revenue.

Take a look at our brand case studies

If you would like to know more about what branding can do for your business then speak to one of our brand consultants today. Call our friendly team on 01793 847300 or email nathan@jazzbones.co.uk